Hosting Support for Clients |
When you sign up for a hosting account with you may find this page quite useful for seting up your server settings, your email settings and your domain name settings.
Read the sections that you need help with. If you still can not resolve your problem feel free to send us an email to support at abacus dot ca. Please include your user name and your domain name if you already have one.
What are Name Servers?
Nameserver1: (
Nameserver2: (
What are the pop3 and smtp servers for my domain?
If your domain name is then both pop3 and smpt servers are
I can receive email but I can not sent my emails!
You may try to change your smtp port in advenced settings in your email client application from port number 25 to port number 26. If that still doesn't work you may try to change your smtp settings. Please see following page, for setting up yourdomain's email using high speed Internet connection from Rogers, similarly it would be with other ISP providers:
What is my ftp server?
If your domain name is then your ftp server is
How can I transfer my files from my home computer to my web server?
You can connect to our hosting server using any ftp client. Some of popular ftp clients are WS_FTP client, cuteFTP, CoreFtp, SmartFTP and many others.
I have uploaded my files but I just see the listing of my files.
Every web site has a base file (home page file) that is pulled first and it does not need to be specified explicitly like other files. Like many other servers, our server looks for index.htm or index.html or index.php file in the public_html directory. If one of these files are not found (they are also case sensitive) then you will see a listing of your files and directories. So, in this case makes sure that your first file (home page file) is one of the three listed above.
How can I access my cpanel (Control Panel)?
As soon as your domain name has been updated with new nameservers you can access your cpanel by adding /cpanel at the end of your domain name. For example, if your domain name is then you would access your cpanel like this .
How can I change my email password?
You can change your email address through your web site. If your domain name is then open following web site: and you will be prompted with user id and password prompt. Enter your email address as your user id and your password as your password. Once you log click on "Change my password".
Can I use my domain emails with my Macintosh computer?
Yes, in fact you can send and retrieve your emails using any computer that supports POP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP and other standard protocols.
How can I renew my web hosting service?
Please go to following page: Webhosting Renewal to find out more and to renew.
Are you using some Microsoft products like Outlook or FrontPage?
We would be glad to help with those as well, but please make sure that you know the basics with those sofware. Here is the link to the Microsoft Software Tutorials.
Still have some questions that are not listed on this page?
Please do not hesitate to contact us, see our contact us web page.
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